ginger, oliver's roommate from sacramento, showed up the night before
meaning we had 8 people in our group.
imagine trying to squish 8 people into a 7 seater SUV.
oh, and then add another space for the boat guide whom we picked up from town.
but we always made it work.

L-R: oliver and his french mustache (is it sexy or SEXY?), jon & ginger

we stopped at an old fort on the lake. eh.
L-R: oliver, ginger, tyson, and captain rob.

chris shooting me. (for once)

chris and rob hanging out with the guide at the restaurant

jon the pirate always makes sure to drink his juice to avoid scurvy.

oliver and rob think deep thoughts.

ginger takes a nap.

as does tyson.

oliver's legs don't look so white here.

back on the mainland, we decided to hang out around the coast of the lake.
rickety swing sets are always fun.

giant holes are safe idea.